Brushy Creek Events : Shred-It Event
Shred-It Event
Saturday, June 1, 2024
9 a.m.-noon
West parking lot of the Brushy Creek Community Center
16318 Great Oaks Drive
This free event is reserved only for Brushy Creek MUD residents. It is intended to raise awareness about identity theft and fraud by reminding people about securely destroying documents.
How does it work?
BCMUD residents will bring items they want shredded to a queue at the west parking lot of the Brushy Creek Community Center. A volunteer will come to the car with a bin and remove the items. There is no limit to the amount you can shred, but all items must be paper-based.
Items that CANNOT be shredded include:
- Batteries
- Electrical items
- Large metal objects
- Sharp objects
- Ink cartridges
- Glass
- Pressurized containers
- Medical waste (pills, syringes, etc.)
- X-rays
- Food waste
- Cardboard tubes
- Hard drives
- Electronic media (USB sticks, CD-ROMs, CD-DVDs, video tapes, cassette tapes, etc.)
For more information, contact Alex Owens