Resident Information : Public Safety Information

Public Safety Information

Wildlife in district parks and greenbelts

The Brushy Creek MUD is fortunate to have an abundance of green spaces, trails and parks. In addition to attracting residents, these green spaces also attract wildlife. Some animals that have been spotted in our green spaces include deer, raccoons, coyotes, opossums and several species of snakes. 

Most wildlife are not a safety risk as long they are left alone. Don't panic, but take precautions and learn how to best deal with these wildlife:

Please note the Brushy Creek MUD does not provide animal control services. Williamson County Animal Control handles those services for the district. You may find more information at Williamson County Animal Control.


Help prevent West Nile Disease

Please review the Homeowners Checklist for additional tips. 

Fire Safety

Important Phone Numbers

  • To report non-emergency issues (non-911 issues), contact the Williamson County Sheriff's Department at 512-864-8301.
  • To report water issues, call 512-255-7871.
  • To report street issues, contact Williamson County Road and Bridge at 512-943-3330
  • To report traffic lights, contact Williamson County at 512-974-0883
  • To report crosswalk issues, contact Williamson County at 512-943-3336
  • To report vandalism, contact the Williamson County Sheriff's Department at 512-943-1300.
  • To report loose or dangerous animals, contact Williamson County Animal Control at 512-943-1300.
  • To report street light outages, visit the Oncor web site
  • To report narcotics activities or drug use, call the Williamson County Sheriff Narcotics Unit at 512-943-1170 or submit a report with Crime Stoppers.

Regional Notification System 

The Capital Area Council of Government’s (CAPCOG) Regional Notification System (RNS) uses a “reverse dialing” method to notify residents of critical emergency information during situations in which property and/or human lives are in danger. RNS is also used to notify residents of other non-emergency events. The system calls land-line and cell phone users if there is an emergency near their homes, businesses or other locations in Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis and Williamson counties. 

RNS also provides enhanced notifications via email and SMS text, and can reach alpha and numeric pagers. The system can send automated messages for weather events including severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash floods. Messages may include incident-specific information, recommended protective actions or response directives. 
Additionally, residents may choose to receive automated warnings from the National Weather Service for events including tornados, severe thunderstorms and flash floods. 

Visit the CAPCOG website at and click on the Homeland Security link to learn more about this free service and register your device to receive notifications.