Water Conservation & Restrictions : Stage 3 Mandatory Conservation Schedule

Stage 3 Mandatory Conservation Schedule

In the event of Stage 3 Conditions, the Demand Management Measures established for Stage 2 shall continue to be implemented except as modified below in order to achieve a fifty percent (50%) reduction in daily water demand.

Demand Management Measures

1. Landscape irrigation is prohibited. However, trees may be watered by drip irrigation, soaker hose or hand-held hose consistent with the Stage 2 watering schedule;

2. The watering of the ground around foundations is prohibited except by hand-held hoses or soaker hoses and in compliance with Stage 2 watering schedule;

Supply Management Measures

1. The District will enforce all water use restrictions prescribed for Stage 3.

2. The District will target additional reductions in water loss.

3. The District will actively communicate drought-related issues and distribute drought restriction information to all customers.

4. The District will pull data logs on the top two percent (2%) of residential water users and available data logs on all retail water users and evaluate compliance with Stage 3 restrictions.

5. The District is authorized to ration water to District residents and other Users of water within the District on a pro-rata basis and to initiate allocation of water supplies to its wholesale water customers, if any, on a pro-rata basis, in accordance with Texas Water Code Section 11.039

For complete details on revised drought stages and restrictions, read the updated BCMUD Drought Contingency and Emergency Water Management Plan.