Home : Brushy Creek Events
3/30/2011 - • 03/30 Free Music Together Class


Free Music Together Sample Class

Wednesday, March 30th at 10 am
in the Community Maple Room

Reservation is Required!

Developed 20 years ago in Princeton, NJ, Music Together is the leading, internationally recognized, research-based, developmentally appropriate music and movement curriculum for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and the adults who love them! Through a variety of fun musical activities, lap songs, vocal play, movement songs, percussion play along and more, the class fosters natural musicality in children through parent modeling. (Parents are with child throughout the class). Visit www.musicforeverMT.com or call 512-358-4278 for more information on the program.

This sample class is FREE for anyone to attend! Please contact Micheal Shay at michael@musicforevermt.com for questions or to reserve your spot!