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7/13/2021 - Save Water this Summer with the Texas Trickle

The Texas Trickle

A little water can go a long way when washing your hands or face, brushing your teeth, and rinsing plates or produce. The Texas Trickle encourages Texans to rethink how much water they need when they are at the sink. Instead of turning on the faucet to full-blast pressure and wasting water, use just a trickle of water to get the job done!

If you're following the Take Care if Texas guidelines about responsible water use, you probably remember to turn the faucet off when you don't need the flow. But there's an even bigger opportunity to save water and money on your water bill every time you use the sink. We're calling this the Texas Trickle! 

Share the Texas Trickle with your fellow Texans! 

Put the Texas Trickle to the test! Here's a science experiment and tracking worksheet for teachers, parents, and children.  You'll need a short list of supplies to do this experiment. Follow the steps and track how much water you save using the Texas Trickle!

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