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11/2/2023 - SPOTLIGHT: Winterization checklist for BCMUD homeowners

Dear Brushy Creek MUD residents:

With the first cold temperatures of the season already upon us, it is important to take the time to make sure your home is prepared for winter conditions. Please inspect the following list to make sure your home is ready:


  • Get the chimney inspected and cleaned.
  • Drip water from the faucets.
  • Get the furnace inspected to ensure it will last all winter.
  • Test carbon monoxide and smoke alarms. Replace alarms that are older than 10 years.
  • Seal leaks and cracks around bathroom and kitchen pipes. Insulate the pipes.
  • Reverse the direction of the ceiling fans.
  • Check attic insulation for areas in need of repair.
  • Stock up on bottled water, nonperishable food, and batteries.


  • Trim trees hanging over the house and cars.
  • Clean the gutters.
  • Winterize the pool and check insurance coverage. Running the pump during freezing conditions can keep the pipes from freezing and cracking.
  • Check the roof for any openings.
  • Clear out the irrigation and sprinkler system pipes.

For much more information, please visit our Home Winterization Guide

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