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7/12/2024 - July 11, 2024: Board Meeting Action Items

The following items plus other District business were discussed at the Board of Directors' meeting on July 11, 2024. For more information, view our Public Meeting Web Portal.

  • Accepted Board Contingency, Unassigned and Capital Outlay, Projects, and Fund Balance Reserves reports.
  • Approved April 2024 Monthly Financial Reports
  • Adopted Order 24-011001 approving District Employee Job Descriptions.
  • Adopted Order 24-0711-02 approving revised District Employee Organization Chart.
  • Adopted Order 24-0711-03 approving revised District Employee PayScale.
  • Adopted Order 24-0711-04 approving Fiscal Year 2025 District Pay Day and Holiday Calendar.
  • Accepted report concerning Parks and Recreation operations.
  • Aprpoved DigDug Construction LLC and Adopt Order No. 24-0711-05 Approving contract for the Shirley McDonald Park Landscape Improvements Project funded by $92,000 from FY24 Budget Reserves, $16,840 previously approved board contingency and the additional $141,127 from Board Contingency.
  • Approved Whirlix Design and Adopt Order No. 24-0711-06 Approving contract for the Sendero Springs Park Playscape Replacement Project for $269,983.07 with surplus funding of $94 K from the PARD Community Center Gutter Replacement, 75 K, and Sendero Springs Pool, $10 K in FY24 Operating Budget Reserves and reassigning $9 K funds from unassigned allocated. add reimbursement for bond funded by Board contingency.
  • Approved additional funding of $50,829 for Cat Hollow Park Renovation funded from Parks Capital Reserve.
  • Approved additional funding of $30,000 for Cat Hollow Park Electrical Project funded from Board Contingency.
  • Approved moving forward with Cat Hollow Pool bathroom floors.
  • Approved not to move forward with the purchase of a mobile stage and sound system, moving budgeted funds $150,000 to Board Contingency

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