Woods Ephraim Trail Repairs
The District's trail system has been damaged by stormwater and other elements over the years. The Board of Directors of Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District approved the repair of the entire trail system as well as design improvements to reduce future damages and ensure safety of trail users. The first phase of this project will begin with the Woods Ephraim Trail. Riata Enterprises will begin construction on Monday, July 13, during which time the trail will be closed to all foot and bicycle traffic.
All work will be done in a manner to minimize the effect on trees and park vegetation along the trail. Most work will take place from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, with some work being done on Saturdays. District staff will work closely with construction contractors to make sure there is minimal impact to residents. The estimated completion date for the project is October 31, 2015.