Meet the Board of Directors : Board of Directors Elections
Board of Directors Elections
November 5, 2024 Director Election
1. House Bill 305 Election Disclosure: The following information related to the District’s elections for members of the Board of Directors is being posted by the District pursuant to Section 2051.152 of the Texas Government Code:
The political subdivision’s contact information, including a mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
Contact information:
16318 Great Oaks Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681, 512-255-7871, or
2. Each elected officer of the political subdivision;
Place 1 - Rebecca Tullos
Place 2 - Michael Tucker
Place 3 - Kim Filiatrault
Place 4- Tracey Calloway
Place 5 - Ken Reifschlager
3. The date and location of the next election for members of the Board of Directors of the District:
Elections for directors of the District are conducted on the November uniform election date in even-numbered years. Accordingly, the next election for members of the Board of Directors of the District shall be conducted on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2024, which is November 5, 2024.
The election shall be conducted at the polling places established by Williamson County to serve the county’s regular election precincts within the District, as required by Sections 42.0621 and 43.004 of the Texas Election Code.
4. General Candidacy Requirements
5. The requirements and deadline for filing for candidacy of each elected office of the District:
In order to be qualified to serve as a director of a municipal utility district, Section 54.102 of the Texas Water Code requires that a person be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the district or be a qualified voter within the district. Additional Candidacy Requirements
A person that desires to be a candidate for the director election must timely complete and submit an application for a place on the ballot for the election. Applications for a place on the ballot may be obtained from the District’s Administrative Office located at 16318 Great Oaks Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681, or may be downloaded and printed out from the Secretary of State’s website (
The deadline for filing the application for a place on the ballot is 78 days prior to the election. For the November 5, 2024 director election, the deadline for filing the application for a place on the ballot will be Monday, August 19, 2024. The deadline for write-in candidates is 74 days before the election. For the November 5, 2024 director election, the deadline for write-in candidates is Friday, August 23, 2024.
Completed applications for a place on the ballot may be filed in person or by mail to the District at the following address: 16318 Great Oaks Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681.
6. Each notice of a meeting of the political subdivision’s governing body under Subchapter C, Chapter 551 of the Government Code; and Meeting Portal
7.Each record of a meeting of the political subdivision’s governing body under Section 551.021 of the Government Code. (Sec. 2051.201, Government Code) Meeting Minutes
Order Calling the Election
Certificate of Unopposed Candidates
Order of Cancellation of the Election