Sendero Springs Pool Renovation : Sendero Springs Pool Renovation

Sendero Springs Pool Renovation

Commercial Swimming Pools and other plastered pools generally need to be replastered every five to seven years.  Over time and general use, the plaster ware begins to show in the form of pits in the plaster and if not replastered, the pool shell could fail and develop a leak.  The Sendero Springs swimming pool had not been replastered in over seven years.

In the summer of 2012, the pool was drained and replastered.  Other minor repairs were also made.  The deck drains were installed to help eliminate the flooding of water into the grass area at the diving end of the pool.  During the summer, the grass area becomes a swamp due to the amount of water coming out of the pool from the swim team swimmers.  With the new deck drains installed, this problem should be eliminated. 

Project Cost: $ 35,000

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