The BCMUD monthly water bill includes a fee for sewer service. The sewer fee is calculated using a resident’s average water consumption during the months of November – February. The sewer fee for new residents without water use history is calculated on a 7,000-gallon District average. Conserving water during this time period may help lower your monthly sewer fee. The winter months are used in the calculations to save residents money since water usage is typically lower during this time.
A resident may request a sewer averaging adjustment if there was a water leak or a swimming pool was filled during the months of November 2018 – February 2019. To request an adjustment, fill out and turn in the Sewer Averaging Adjustment Form and we will review your request.
The Sewer Averaging Adjustment Form must be turned in to the Customer Service Office by March 12, 2019 for the adjusted rate to be reflected on your April 2019 water bill. Adjustment requests that are received after this date will still be reviewed and any rate adjustment will appear on subsequent water bills.
More information on BCMUD Sewer Averaging.
Contact Customer Service with any questions at or 512-255-7871.